Who We Are

Faith-Based Investment Group LLC is a group of local Houstonians that care about the rich history of Houston’s inner-city communities and decided to make an impact by investing in communities that provide affordable and sustainable housing. Through effective planning and careful and creative market positioning, we can increase the quality of life for residents and the community.

Our Mission

Our mission is to acquire a balanced portfolio of investment assets, consisting of need-based assets such as single and multi-family, which provide essential housing,  as well as invest in demand-based assets, such as hotels and resorts, which are based on demand and leisure.

Our Values

We are faith-filled investors that possess integrity and passion.

“But without faith, it is impossible to please him”. Hebrews 11:6

What makes us unique

We are a team of regular people putting our minds and hard-earned assets together to improve communities and create a legacy for our families. We are a team comprised of full and part-time investors, entrepreneurs, lawyers, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, church folk etc. Some of us are just corporate people, looking to remove the hand-cuffs of corporate America. Regardless of your walk of life, you have talents that can be contributed, and when combined, through Faith, we can create a synergy of power, motivation, knowledge to enhance the lives of others.

Clients & Testimonials

Anna Greenfield

The Faith-Based Investment Group is a talented team of faith-filled individuals that have earned everything they have achieved in life only through God’s grace and mercy. They are passionate about helping others build long-term wealth and create life-long relationships in the process.

Faith-Based Investment Group LLC

If you have the faith as small as a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible for you!